About us


We mainly focus on REDD+ and ARR carbon credits in Africa with a clear positive multiplier effect.

Glocal partnerships are key in preserving forests

CO-Neutral Partners originated in 2018 in the mind and heart of several social entrepreneurs.

CO-Neutral Partners is a global partnership between social entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists and project managers to manage REDD+ and ARR carbon credits certification processes on the voluntary carbon market in a fluid and qualitative manner.

  • CO-Neutral Partners
  • CO-Neutral Partners

CO-Neutral Partners

To have a high and lasting impact on deforestation, we work with local partners, mainly in Africa, who are experts in endemic forest preservation. This allows us to involve key stakeholders from the beginning of each certification journey. Such as local authorities, customary leaders, community members, indigenous people and project holders.

Value, expertise and drive are thus kept locally, securing positive environmental preservation dynamics.


Our Vision

Building a sustainable economy together

We focus on partnering with local communities and international experts to come up with systemic solutions to land use challenges, such as forest preservation.


Our Mission

Use carbon to foster sustainable development


  • We have direct access to the carbon market.
  • We engineer virtuous solutions that preserve our planet and all its beings.
  • We aim at a fair distribution of values created.
  • We love to think in terms of new potentials and being innovative in our approaches.
  • We work together with care, dedication and focus on delivery.

Our Values

Co-creation, transparency, fairness and empowerment.

CO-Neutral Partners